Visa D1 and D12. What is the difference?

Visas with index D are issued for a long period (usually for 1 year or more) and grant the holder the right to multiple entries and exits from Indonesia.
These visas are a great alternative to KITAS for those who want to live in Bali long-term, and they are easier to obtain.
How do they differ and which one to choose?
D1 - a tourist visa that can be obtained for a period of 1 year, 2 years, or 5 years.
There are no requirements for its issuance. It is the only multiple-entry visa that a child can obtain.
D2 - the same visa, but issued for business purposes. Thus, upon entering Indonesia, you may be asked relevant questions.
D1 and D2 allow multiple entries and exits from the country.
Note: You can stay in Indonesia for up to 60 days at a time with these visas, after which you need to leave the country (you can return at any time), or extend your stay at the immigration office.
Extensions can be done twice for 60 days each.
D12 (pre-investor visa) - a multiple-entry business visa issued for 1 or 2 years. It is designed specifically for those who plan to start a business in Indonesia in the future but want to study the market and prepare the ground. This visa cannot be issued for children.
There are some requirements:
▪️ Bank statement in English for the last 3 months with a minimum balance of $5000 or equivalent.
▪️ Invitation/official letter from government agencies or a local company, confirming cooperation with the applicant.
To apply, you only need a photo of your passport, and we will take care of the rest.
D12 offers better conditions than D1 and D2; it allows you to stay in Indonesia for up to 180 days per visit, with the right to extend for another 180 days.
The visa takes effect from the date of issue, and the 180-day period is counted from the day of arrival.
You can leave and return to the country an unlimited number of times, with a new 180-day period starting from the moment of entry.
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