Two Incidents of Aggression Involving Foreigners in Bali

Photo: detik
Do you think smoking is allowed in restaurants and cafes in Bali? Unfortunately, not everyone can express their reaction to a negative answer in words. On May 29, a foreigner caused a riot in a café in Jimbaran precisely because of the smoking ban. Photos and videos on Instagram show the extent of his rage. As a result, the café was destroyed, and the unruly foreigner was detained, which he was clearly unhappy about.
One of the café's patrons made a remark to the violator, which triggered the smoker's anger. A fight broke out, which café staff unsuccessfully tried to break up. The foreigner threw glasses, tables, and coffee machines. He also threatened three café employees, who eventually had to lock themselves in the restroom. The laptop of the patron who made the remark was also damaged.
Details of the interrogation, the nationality of the offender, and the conclusions of the investigation have not yet been disclosed by the police. However, it is evident that the likelihood of this foreign citizen being deported is quite high.
Photo: jawapos
The very next day, an American citizen with the initials PDE, residing in a villa in Tibubeneng (Canggu), was detained. He frightened the villa staff and, according to the workers, broke several pieces of furniture. It all started when he shouted at one of the villa's employees. He then pushed the employee's Scoopy bike, along with the helmet, into a drainage ditch and threw the phone into the rice fields. The employee had to flee from the 43-year-old man. After this, the Scoopy of another villa worker was also thrown into the ditch.
The unruly citizen did not calm down; he returned to the villa and threw the tools of a third worker into the pool, naturally shouting at him as well. According to local residents, he also had a tantrum in a supermarket. As a result, the police detained the troublemaker and confiscated his passport and mobile phone.
"There is suspicion that he is suffering from depression. He was taken to a hospital in Denpasar. It is believed he had personal issues with his girlfriend, which led to him disturbing the peace of local residents and workers," said Badung Police Public Relations Officer Iptu I Putu Sukarma.
The police are now awaiting the results of a psychiatric evaluation of the detainee. Fortunately, he did not resist the authorities and was willing to cooperate. Immigration officials at the airport are already involved in the case, so the further development of events depends on the doctors' conclusions.
Sources: detiksuarabalijawapos
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