The World Water Forum Kicks Off in Bali

From May 18 to 25, the 10th World Water Forum will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali. President Joko Widodo will speak at the opening. The forum's theme is "Balanced Water Resources Management for Sustainable World Development."
It will start with a traditional water purification ritual. The Melukat ceremony will involve 1,500 participants. They will gather in the Kura-Kura Bali area (the closed Serangan Island) on May 18. It was previously reported that the Melasti beach was chosen for the ritual. Therefore, it won't be possible to witness this spectacular event.
Eight heads of state and government have confirmed their participation in the forum. In total, over 13,000 delegates from various countries will attend. These include climatologists, water resources experts, and politicians. The event will be even larger than the G20 summit. Delegates' vehicles will have a dedicated lane on the Bali Mandara toll road. The road leading to the airport will also be closed. Authorities promise that the forum will not affect tourists' vacations, but residents of Bukit are already experiencing heavy traffic.
Participants will be able to attend 290 parallel sessions or events dedicated to key water-related topics such as "Water Security and Prosperity," "Water for People and Nature," "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management," "Governance," "Water Cooperation and Diplomacy," and "Sustainable Water Supply Financing."
Indonesia, being one of the countries with tropical forests, will have the International Mangrove Research Center (IMRC) discuss the importance of mangrove forests in providing ecosystem functions and services. Delegates will visit the Ngurah Rai mangrove forest area on May 20.
Additionally, Indonesia will showcase its Subak water resource management irrigation system, which operates on the Jatiluwih terraces. This is a form of community self-sufficiency system that regulates the fair and equitable distribution of irrigation water to rice fields. The Subak system is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Great attention is paid to security. 5,971 people are involved in guest protection (regional police, military headquarters, presidential security). Over 14,000 military police officers are deployed. Mounted police will also be used in areas inaccessible to vehicles, along with squads with service dogs. Heavy military equipment and fighter jets have been brought into the area.
Innovations will also be discussed. The President of Indonesia plans to meet with billionaire Elon Musk on Sunday, May 19, to discuss the opening of the Starlink satellite internet service. This service will cover all regions of Indonesia, especially remote and border areas. Musk will also give a speech at the forum's opening.
There are bonuses for tourists too. A street carnival will take place on Monday, May 20, from 17:00 to 18:00 during the forum. You can watch the free show near the Bali Collection shopping center. Spectators need to register in advance.
The carnival program, dedicated to the theme "Samudra Cipta Peradaban" (The Ocean Creates Civilization), will feature various performances highlighting the importance, vastness, and sanctity of the oceans. Indonesians will showcase through parades the glorification of the sea as a source of universal prosperity and civilization revival.
The parade includes performances by local artistic communities: Bungan Dedari Karawitan studio, Gianyar Paripurna art studio, Pancer Langiit Bali, Kokar Bali, Gumiart, and Gita Mahardika studio.
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