PermataMobile X is Revamping its Transfer Fees!

Starting August 1, 2024, the following fees will apply:
BI-FAST– remains free of charge.
Fees for payments to other banks:
- Real Time – 7,500 IDR
- LLG – 2,900 IDR
- RTGS – 25,000 IDR
"We inform you that as of August 1, 2024, the free transfer fee will only apply to transfers to other banks using BI-FAST under the following conditions:
- The free transfer fee using BI-FAST applies to all types of accounts and customer segments.
- No minimum account balance is required.
- No limits on transaction frequency.
- The daily transaction limit can be found here.
Meanwhile, transfers to other banks using the methods Online, LLG, and RTGS will be subject to the following fees:
Transfer Method | Transaction Fee
- Online Real Time | IDR 7,500
- LLG | IDR 2,900
- RTGS | IDR 25,000"
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