How to make a bank statement for a visa

Often, to obtain visas, you need to submit a bank statement. In very rare cases, an official statement is required, usually just a screenshot from your bank's online account is sufficient. If there isn't much money in your account at the moment, people often ask relatives/friends to transfer money to their account, take a screenshot, and then transfer it back. However, it can be much simpler to change the displayed amount in your account directly in your browser on your computer. This will take literally a couple of minutes and nothing else besides a browser (preferably Google Chrome) will be required. Not everyone knows about this very simple method.
Please note that this is not falsifying documents; it's simply a way to change the display of web pages.
So, first, open your internet banking in the Chrome browser and find the figure you want to change. I will demonstrate this using the Mandiri bank interface as an example. Find the figure and right-click on it, select "Inspect" (it might be named slightly differently).
As a result, a panel with the source code will open, and the cursor will be on your amount. Right-click on the amount and select "Edit Text" (it might be named slightly differently), edit the number, and then simply close the bottom panel.
The new account amount is now displayed. We take a screenshot and that’s it.
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