Excursion to Bali Zoo

Bali Zoo will be an ideal place for a family vacation and unity with nature. Here you can give yourself and your loved ones a lot of emotions from communicating with the world of wild nature. The park is perfect for children!

Meet the Wildlife

In Bali Zoo, you will meet both more classic zoo inhabitants like elephants and tigers, and unique residents of these latitudes, such as binturong bears, cassowaries or Komodo dragons. The entire area is planted with tropical trees and shrubs, which makes the territory cozy and shady. Walking around the zoo is a pleasure.

Animal Care

Zoo workers take very good care of the animals, ensuring their comfort. The enclosures are spacious, and some of them have conditional fences, so the animals can move freely in both directions, if necessary, escaping from visitors to their shelters.

Fun Activities

In the zoo, you can feed and pet some animals, watch fascinating shows, or even participate in an elephant bathing. Visiting Bali Zoo will be a real soul vacation!
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