Climbing Mount Rinjani

Climbing Mount Rinjani is not just about ascending the second-highest peak in Indonesia. It is a real adventure with camping, fresh food cooked over a fire, bathing in hot springs in the volcano's caldera, and long hikes of 6 to 10 hours per day.
With a guide and porter, you will explore the active volcano and experience sunrises and sunsets with breathtaking panoramic views of the mountain landscape. You will see several craters, one of which is uniquely located in the middle of a lake in the volcano's caldera.
There are programs of different durations to choose from:
  • In the 2-day program, you will enjoy climbing to the summit at an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level.
  • In the 3-day program, in addition to climbing Mount Rinjani, you will also descend to a lake located in the volcano's crater and bathe in hot springs.
If you do not suffer from altitude sickness and have previous trekking experience, we are waiting for you in this unforgettable adventure.
Choose what suits your preferences - the emotions you will experience will stay with you forever!
⚡ You can book the tour on our website MyBaliTrips
⚡ Our managers will answer all your questions of interest👇🏼
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