Did you know that the "northern lights" can be seen not only at one of the Earth's poles but also on the equator?
To experience this, head to the island of Java, which is located a few hours from Bali, and head east to Mount Ijen. At an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level, you will see an unusual natural palette: a turquoise lake, brightly yellow stones, and shimmering blue lights.
Sulfur Rocks
In the volcano's caldera, there are huge sulfur rocks. During the day, dozens of workers carry pieces of sulfur in baskets, and at night, an unusual blue shimmer appears around these rocks. This is due to the fact that sulfur enters into a chemical reaction with oxygen and creates an unusual glow that can be observed at night.
Fantasy Scenery
All these natural objects together create a fantastic picture. Be sure to bring your camera to capture this moment forever.
A trip to Ijen will give you vivid impressions!
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