Upd. 08/04/24

Vegan Cheese with Chef Adrian Wu

Jl. Sukma Kesuma No.2, Peliatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Индонезия
4.4 / 2057
Don't miss out on our special offer! Get a 20% discount with our Early Bird promotion for the exclusive Vegan Cheese Training led by @vegan_chef_adrian_wu.
Here are the dates:
- Level 1: April 25-26, 2024
- Level 2: April 28-29, 2024
Prices for the Vegan Cheese Training with Chef Adrian Wu are as follows:
- Level 1 : Rp 6,050,000
- Level 2 : Rp 9,290,000
- Bundling (April 2024) : Rp 10,657,500
Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount and pay only $320, using the code EARLYBIRD20 until February 29, 2024. Plus, we have a special bundle price of $700, discounted to $560 with the Early Bird offer.
Discover the secrets of crafting delicious plant-based cheeses from scratch under the guidance of Vegan Chef Adrian Wu. Learn step-by-step techniques and insider tips to elevate your culinary skills. Enroll now and enjoy the 20% discount!
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