
Full Moon Cacao & Rebirthing Breathwork

Today from 18:00 to 20:00
Jl. Pura Kramat Jl. Pantai Seseh, Cemagi, Kec. Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80351, Indonesia
4.9 / 2603
Rebirthing breathwork is a conscious, connected breathing technique through the nose. It is a gentle form of breathwork that, when practiced for a certain duration, can create a shift not only in our emotions but also allow us to connect with the subconscious mind. 
It is one of the most powerful accelerated healing techniques you can practice to move stuck energy, tension, and stress in the body and increase vibrational levels in our system.We start with some breathing techniques and practices to clear the energy field, followed by a sacred cacao ceremony conducted in a ritualistic way and intention setting before diving into the conscious, connected breathing.The journey will leave you with a greater sense of ease and lightness, feeling more  grounded, and bringing more clarity and healing.
Biography:Gita is a certified Yoga and Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator. She first met Rebirthing Breathwork accidentally during the pandemic lockdown. The lockdown and the uncertainty of the pandemic forced her to engage in a deep healing practice that not only allowed her to heal old wounds, but also brought her to a journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Please note that the ticket cannot be cancelled, modified or refunded after purchase.
  • Please don't bring your dog to Udara.
  • in order to get the discounted price, participants have to show their KTP or valid KITAS upon check-in at Udara on the event date.
  • As an "adults-only resort" the minimum age for staying at Udara and visiting our facilities is 14 years.
  • For special events, doors close 15 minutes after start and latecomers will not be accepted. Tickets will not be refunded if you show up too late.
  • Limited Access for 25 Person Only!
  • Reservation required
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