DrumStory : Sacred Storytelling
- Place
- Gianyar • The Yoga Barn
- Date
- Today from 19:30 to 21:00
- Type
Our ancestors have left crumb trails behind them through the darkening forests towards something greater then our small selves. Come dive into the deeper shadows and shimmering brilliance of your psyche and soul through the wisdom in ancient tales.
These myths left by our ancestors are neglected treasures to be taken in and assimilated becoming nourishment and wisdom for our journey. Be carried through the adventurous doors of these stories accompanied by a rich tapestry of drums as time pauses and together we go on a passage of majesty, danger, insight and enchantment.
You will take with you a sense of wonder, enchantment and greater insight into self through ancient ways of our ancestors.
John de Kadt is an acclaimed percussionist, poet, and storyteller. John plays ethnic percussion instruments from across the globe and has a passion for spoken word, John’s poetry and story stirs the heart and awakens us towards a remembrance of ourselves and the wildness of the natural world. John has has 6 albums out that are used widely across the globe for relaxation, yoga, dance and embodiment.
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