Little Tree Preschool Bali

Type of place
Founded in 2005, the Growing Tree (Little Tree Bilingual Montessori) learning center aims to provide children with an Anglo-Mandarin bilingual education in a Montessori environment. The school offers high-quality full-day programs for children aged 2 years (18 months at GTLC) to 6 years.
Thanks to its commitment to Montessori materials and training, the goal is to provide an environment that encourages the balanced development of the body, mind, and spirit, leading to the realization of each child's individual academic and personal potential.
The Montessori classroom environment allows children to gain a sense of independence, concentration, and coordination, as well as develop their curiosity, creativity, self-awareness, interpersonal communication skills in both languages, empathy for others, and self-confidence as preparation for life. The school carefully plans a physical environment that is stimulating, engaging, and warm, integrating nature as an essential part of the program.