Prabowo Officially Elected as Indonesia's Next President

Prabowo Subianto has been officially declared the president of Indonesia after winning the first round of elections, surpassing two opponents. However, they intend to file legal complaints about the election results.
The former defense minister and his ally, the eldest son of the previous president, Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, already declared victory last month after unofficial vote counts. The successor to the current country's leader will assume the vice-presidential post.
They were officially declared winners, receiving over 96 million votes, which is approximately 58.6 percent of the total. Former Jakarta mayor Anies Baswedan received 24.9 percent of the votes, while the former governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, garnered 16 percent.
More than 164 million Indonesians voted, accounting for approximately 80 percent voter turnout.
Prabowo (72 years old), who ran for president for the third time, will assume his duties in October after the inauguration. Until then, Joko Widodo remains the president of Indonesia.
The future leader of the country addressed his supporters in Jakarta and thanked them for their support. "We would like to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to all the people of Indonesia who exercised their right to vote."
His popularity surged due to nationalist rhetoric in his speeches, convincing actions as defense minister, and thanks to the support of the current president. He also expressed gratitude to Jokowi, his former rival, whom he lost to in the previous two election rounds in 2014 and 2019.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken extended "sincere congratulations" to Prabowo, stating that Washington looks forward to "close cooperation" with the former general, who was once on the US visa blacklist.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also stated that he anticipates "further deepening of the strategic partnership" on issues such as climate change. France also noted that it "attaches priority to strengthening relations with Indonesia and is ready to cooperate with Mr. Prabowo Subianto."
Prabowo's opponents, Anies and Ganjar, will file complaints with the Constitutional Court regarding violations and fraud in the elections. Five years ago, the defeated Prabowo also sued Jokowi, accusing him of election fraud. At that time, the presidential inauguration was delayed for 3 months, and the commission recounted the data.
Last month, Indonesia held some of the world's most extensive single-day elections, with candidates vying for presidential, parliamentary mandates, and seats in local legislative bodies.
The elections were marred by allegations of ethical violations by Jokowi, whom critics accused of seeking to establish a political dynasty through his son before stepping down from the presidency.
In the parliamentary elections, the PDI-P (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle) led by Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of Indonesia's first president Sukarno, emerged victorious. They will now serve as the opposition to the new president.
Prabowo also faced accusations from human rights groups that he played a role in the disappearance of student activists in the late 1990s during the rule of dictator Suharto. Incidentally, Prabowo was the dictator's son-in-law, being married to his daughter.
During the period from 1997 to 1998, when the abductions occurred, Prabowo commanded an elite military unit known as Kopassus. It was used in Jakarta for special operations aimed at suppressing internal unrest. More than a dozen activists were never found. He was discharged from the armed forces following these abductions, but he denies involvement, and these allegations did not affect his election.
Now Prabowo will take control of the largest economy in Southeast Asia, which annually grows at around five percent.
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