
Soul Song Revival

Pecatu (Uluwatu) • The Istana
Feb 11, from 18:30 to 21:00
Jl. Uluwatu Jl. Pantai Suluban, Pecatu, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
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Join us this Sunday, February 11th, for a unique cacao ceremony song circle led by Lindsey & Friends, aimed at awakening your voice and unveiling your own Soul Song - a sonic vibration that is distinct to each individual.
During this intimate gathering, we will delve into a repertoire of heart songs and medicine music while also delving into our personal musical expressions.
Sip on a special blend of ceremonial Bobinsana, a plant renowned for its heart-opening properties, and Cacao medicine as we embark on a journey deeper into our true essence and the core of our Soul Song.
Lindsey's mission is to awaken humanity to the transformative potential of the voice. Having traversed both physical and astral realms, she has honed healing techniques to assist individuals in discovering the potency of their own voice and tapping into their innate healing abilities.
Join us for this extraordinary experience at The Istana. Visit our linktree for more information: https://linktr.ee/the_istana
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